a very very fun dae =) but very tiring nid to stand for hrs!! alot of cosplayers n ppl this yr got 'Maid Cafe' wor !.. but nv go in try =x
weeeee...buy 1 item nia @-@ wanted to buy K-ON T-shirt de but in the end dunno which one to choose! so onli buy 1 poster (Nanoha!) x33
MAY'N concert super super nice ! =x her 2nd times in sg =) ... afa 08 n afa 09
in love with this song !!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009 2:59 AM
like this song alot!!!
njoy~ ^^
Once Armor, Always Armor!
Monday, November 16, 2009 5:33 AM
my NS's life too slack liao! i realli cant take it ! last time hope for a slacking 2 yrs..but is realli too slack ._."
if there realli is god (: pls save me? =/ my life is becoming frm: fun -> ok ok -> bad -> worst haix!
new life !
Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:31 AM
since last week everythni was like a flash for me.. so many things come n go in a flash !
i oot(131109) frm tekong n posted out to new unit TODAE! my new unit(Armor) since ok ok to me for now~ mon n wed nite out~ fridae bk out lol~ really misses those frens i met in tekong~!..hope we can go out soon =)
another huge change was..=/ i will keep it to myself for now n ever?~ tq ni for everythni =)
hope u will read my blog~ n sms tell me hw u really feel? i will still treasure u as what we r frm now n ever !
Saturday, November 7, 2009 9:48 PM
好心苦! 我们还和以前一样吗? 你对我有时冷有时热。。
now..we no longer chat so long..sms i cried i just wish we will like the same b4 i enter ns haix
i know u r hurt enough..i really wish for us to be close like last time.. i really dunno what u r tinking now..? tell me y i am no longer tt close with u?..is it i did something wrg? or u got other reason?
hope u will be happi ! 我在等你
Marfan's Syndrome with atypical chestpain
Monday, October 19, 2009 7:28 AM
ytd go hospital checkup ! doc say i might hav 'Marfan's Syndrome with atypical chestpain' 'Marfan's Syndrome with atypical chestpain' dun really know is what..?